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Mr. Shabir Ahmad
- Shabir Ahmad joined Gardezi & Co. as a trainee student and after qualifying from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan in the year 2000, he was inducted as partner in Gardezi & Co. in the year 2001.
- After the merger of Gardezi & Co. into Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Co., he has also been taken as a partner in the new firm for looking after the Lahore Office operations along with the senior partner Syed Aftab Hameed.
- Being in the profession since 2000 as a Chartered Accountant, he had been conducting or supervising audits, investigations or rendering management consulting services in the various fields of business, trade and commerce. The key area of responsibility of Mr. Shabir Ahmad in the firm is to supervise and look after the Taxation and Corporate sections of the firm. Though he is relatively a new comer in the profession yet he gained a good repute for his professional competence and expertise in tax circles as well as among the audit clients of the firm.
- He also heads all affairs pertaining to corporate matters and has complete command over Companies Ordinance, 1984, Securities and Exchange Organisation of Pakistan Acts and various Rules made there-under, Monopolies and Trade Restrictive Practices Ordinance, Modaraba Companies and Modaraba Ordinance, Prudential regulation of State Bank of Pakistan, Workers’ Participation Fund, Employees Retirement laws, Stock Exchange laws and regulations, Rules regarding leasing companies etc.